Saturday, August 31, 2019

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
King James Version
Even though we hurt our Heavenly Father and fail Him at times, He still loves us.  He will never disown us or kick us out of Heaven like some dads disown their children and kick them out of their house.  If you notice, I said house, not home, because a home is filled with love.  May God help us to be kind and loving to our children even when they disobey us and hurt us just as our Heavenly Father is kind and loving to us even when we hurt Him.
Joanne Lowe
August 31.2019

Friday, August 30, 2019


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

John 3:16
King James Version

God loves us so much He gave HIs Son to die on the cross for our sins.  No matter how many times we hurt our Heavenly Father, He still loves us.  We have a tender, loving, compassionate and forgiving Heavenly Father.  We never have to worry about hurting Him so much that He will stop loving us.  Knowing that He loves us this mu
ch should make us want to do everything we can to make Him happy.

Joanne Lowe
August 30,2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

John 8:11
King James Version

Many years ago when I lived in Texas, the pastor of the church where I was a member preached a sermon that was on forgiveness. One of the things the pastor said in the sermon was that it takes two to argue and it takes two to make up.  I think if we will be honest, all of us will have to admit that there have been times when we hurt someone even if we didn’t mean to hurt the person.  

If we tell the person we’re sorry for hurting them and really mean it from our heart, then we are in right standing with God.  If we didn’t mean that we were sorry, we are not in right standing with God and we are hurting Him and breaking His heart.  God loves us so much that He gave His Son to die on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.  How can we not forgive the ones who hurt us after God forgave us for our sins?  I believe we hurt God many times and break His heart because we don’t forgive as He has forgiven us.

Joanne Lowe
September 28, 2019

She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

John 8:11
King James Version

Many years ago when I lived in Texas, the pastor of the church where I was a member preached a sermon that was on forgiveness. One of the things the pastor said in the sermon was that it takes two to argue and it takes two to make up.  I think if we will be honest, all of us will have to admit that there have been times when we hurt someone even if we didn’t mean to hurt the person.  

If we tell the person we’re sorry for hurting them and really mean it from our heart, then we are in right standing with God.  If we didn’t mean that we were sorry, we are not in right standing with God and we are hurting Him and breaking His heart.  God loves us so much that He gave His Son to die on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.  How can we not forgive the ones who hurt us after God forgave us for our sins?  I believe we hurt God many times and break His heart because we don’t forgive as He has forgiven us.

Joanne Lowe
September 28, 2019

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

John 8:12
King James Version

Ronnie Hinson wrote one of my favorite hymns “The Lighthouse”.  I love the words in this beautiful hymn.  “There's a Lighthouse on the hillside that overlooks life's sea. When I'm tossed it sends out a light that I might see. And the light that shines in the darkness, now will safely lead us o'er. If it wasn't for the lighthouse that ship would be no more.”

Someone said “We were in a cave and it was so dark we couldn’t see our hand”.  When we have bad weather sometimes it gets so dark outside that I can’t see anything when I look out my window.  It’s the same with our heart.  When someone says harsh and criticizing words to us, our hearts gets dark because of what was said ot us.  It is then that Jesus shine His light a little brighter in our heart.  No one and nothing can dim the light of Jesus in our heart.

If you aren’t follwing Jesus, then you will walk in darkness.  Jesus doesn’t want us to walk in darkness.  He wants us to live a happy and victorious life.  “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).  If you aren’t happy and are sad all the time, search your heart and be sure your heart is right with God.

Pastor Elisha A. Hoffman wrote a hymn that should make all of us search our heart to see if there is anything that hurts God “Is Thy Heart Right with God?”  “Have thy affections been nailed to the cross? Is thy heart right with God? Dost thou count all things for Jesus but loss?  Is thy heart right with God?”  We can fool others but we can’t fool God.  How about your heart?  Do you want God to search your heart or do you need to ask Him to forgive you for something?

Joanne Lowe
August 28, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

“But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”
James 4:6
King James Version
Annie J. Flint wrote one of my favorite hymns “He Giveth More Grace”.  I love these words. “He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength when the labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.”  I’m so glad the words in this hymn are true.
Julia H. Johnston wrote another one of my favorite hymns “Grace Greater Than Our Sin”.  “Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt! Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured, There where the blood of the Lamb was spilled.” The King James Bible Dictionary gives this definition for grace “God's forgiving mercy”.
Thank God for His unconditional love and mercy to us. Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge how much pain and heartache God suffered when His Son was crucified on the cross for our sins? God is a Holy God and He can’t look on sin so He had to turn away from Jesus while He was hanging on the cross because Jesus had taken your sins and my sins on Him. What an amazing and unconditional love flowed from the heart of our Heavenly Father and Jesus for you and for me the day Jesus was crucified for our sins.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much You gave Your beloved Son to die on the cross for our sins. I love You, Heavenly Father.  Thank You for adopting me into Your family and for the privilege You have given me to serve Jesus.  Thank You for Your grace, Your mercy and Your unconditional love.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
Joanne Lowe
August 27, 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019


Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

Isaiah 6:8
King James Version

Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote a hymn that describes how I feel to have the privilege of serving my precious Saviour “The Longer I Serve Him”.  The words in this inspiring hymn are so true.  “The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows, The more that I love Him, more love He bestows; Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.”

One of my pastors said in a sermon “If you want to fly higher than a kite, start serving Jesus”.  It really is true because there are times that I feel like I am flying higher than a kite.  Even when satan attacks me with lies and tells me Jesus doesn’t love me and never will love me and tries his best to discourage me from serving Jesus, I still feel like I am flying higher than a kite.

Are you serving Jesus?  If you aren’t serving Jesus, why aren’t you serving Him?  You may think that you don’t have the time and it may not be convenient for you to serve Him but I don’t think it was convenient for Jesus to leave His Father, His home and all that He had to come to earth on the mission His Father had given Him but Jesus came.  May God help us to serve the One Who loves us so much He died for us.

You will have to shut off the television and get out of your comfort zone to serve Jesus just as He got of His comfort zone to die on the cross for our sins.  It should be the desire of every Christian to make Jesus happy.  Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge how much Jesus loves you?  There is nothing you could ever do that would make Him stop loving you.  He loved you yesterday, He loves you today and He will love you forever.

All hail, King Jesus!  Worthy is the Lamb of God!  He is the “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”!  Do you love Jesus?  If you do love Him, what are you doing to prove to Him that you love Him?  If ever someone deserves to be praised and adored, it is Jesus and one happy day I will have the privilege of seeing Him face to face.  O how I love Jesus!  He is the reason I’m living, the reason I get out of bed and the Joy of my heart.

Joanne Lowe
August 26, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019


A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

John 13:34, 35
King James Version

Many years ago when I lived in Texas, I had a Sunday school teacher who was a wonderful loving Christian.  I used to have a lot of trouble remembering names.  I was thinking about her one day and couldn’t remember her name.  The next time I saw her, I told her that I couldn’t remember her name.  She smiled and gave me a hug and said something I have never forgotten.  “It’s not important that you remember my name.  What is important and what makes me happy is that you know I love Jesus”.

Do people know you love Jesus by your words and by your actions?  We can say anything but we need to prove we love Jesus by our actions.  I had another Sunday school teacher who was so kind and loving, I knew she loved Jesus.  God used this Sunday school teacher to give me the courage to write devotions.  My teacher gave her testimony one time before she started the lesson and I will never ever forget what she said that day.
She told us there had been a time in her life when she was so depressed that she would go in a closet and stay there all day.  She said her husband didn’t know what to do with her. What she said made me realize that if she had been so depressed and was now teaching Sunday school, singing in the choir and singing specials, maybe I could write devotions with God helping me.

It is so important that we let others know we love Jesus by our words and by our actions.  I will never forget the man who stood up in church on a Wednesday night and gave this testimony.  He said “I am saved today because of my mother.  I saw her kneel beside her bed and heard her pray for me every night”.  If his mother hadn’t prayed for him, that man would not have seen and heard the love of Jesus in her.  Thank God for mothers who love their children so much they pray for them.

Years ago, I read about a lady who was well known and had passed away.  One of the people at her funeral said “She was a kind loving person and I never heard her say one unkind thing about anyone”.  That got me to thinking about my life and the people I had hurt because I refused to forgive them for what they had said and done to me and by my criticizing words and by my actions.  I am so glad we have a loving compassionate Heavenly Father Who will forgive us if we ask Him.

Do people know you are a Christian by your love?  It is so important that parents let their children see the love of Jesus in them.  I saw a movie about a pastor’s wife who took her children with her when she went to a mission to give them food.  Her children saw their mother not only give the people at the mission food, they also saw their mother hugging the people.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will search my heart and if there is anything that hurts You, please let me know so I can repent and get my heart in right standing with You.  Please forgive me for the times that I have hurt You.  Thank You for the privilege You have given me to serve Jesus.  I pray that others will know that I am a Christian and that I love Jesus not only by my words, but also by my actions.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
August 25, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”

John 20:21
King James Version

Mary Brown wrote the hymn “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”.  Are we singing this hymn from our heart or are we just singing the words?  “It may not be on the mountain’s height, Or over the stormy sea; It may not be at the battle’s front My Lord will have need of me; But if by a still, small voice He calls To paths I do not know, I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I’ll go where You want me to go”.  We sing this hymn but do we mean what we are singing?  Are we willing to go where Jesus wants us to go?

Will we go anywhere He leads us?  We may be willing to go to another country but are we willing to go across the street to visit someone who is discouraged, lonely and needs to know that someone cares?  Someone told a friend “If you need me, call me”.  The friend called at 2:00 a.m. and woke him up and he was so upset because the friend had called so early in the morning.  It doesn’t matter what time day or night that we call Jesus, He will help us and will not complain about the time.

Jesus cares when we are lonely and discouraged.  “And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?  And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:38,39).  Will we go where He wants us to go and say what He wants us to say?  When it’s time to visit people for your church are you willing to go on visitation for your church and are you willing to do anything He asks you to do?

Many years ago, I was going door to door on visitation for my church and I will never forget this lady that I visited.  I asked her “If Jesus told you to sell your home and give the money to missions, would you do it?  The lady didn’t hesitate.  She said “No, this is my home.  I worked hard to buy it and it is mine”. Nothing that you and I have belongs to us.  It all belongs to Jesus.  If Jesus was willing to die on the cross for our sins so we can be saved, we should be willing to give Him anything He asks us to give.  Are you willing to do anything He asks you to do and go anywhere He asks you to go?

Joanne Lowe
August 24, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019


Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”

Acts 1:11
King James Version

Esther Kerr Rusthoi wrote one of my favorite hymns “When We See Christ”.  I love the words in this beautiful hymn.  “Sometimes the day seems long, Our trials hard to bear. We´re tempted to complain, to murmur and despair. But Christ will soon appear to catch his bride away! All tears forever over in God’s eternal day!  It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ.  One glimpse of his dear face, all sorrow will erase. So, bravely run the race till we see Christ.”

Think about it, for those of us who have invited Jesus into our heart to be our personal Saviour, we are going to have the privilege of seeing Him face to face and it is a privilege to be able to see Him face to face.  Carrie E. Breck wrote a hymn that always brings joy to my heart and tears of happiness in my eyes “Face to Face with Christ, my Savior”.  “What rejoicing in His presence, When are banished grief and pain When the crooked ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain.”

It is worth it, all of the heartaches and the dark valleys and crises we go through because one day we will see Jesus face to face.  When I think about seeing my precious Saviour face to face, I get so happy and excited that I feel like shouting Jesus loves you unconditionally and He always will love you.  If you are sad, lonely, in despair, brokenhearted and discouraged, tell Jesus.  He is waiting with His arms open wide for you to run into them.  

Please join me in praising the One Who loves us so much He died for our sins on the cross.  What a Saviour! What a Friend, this Jesus of Nazareth!  All hail, King Jesus!  He is the “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS’!  I love You so much, dear Jesus, and I long for the day when I will see You face to face.

Joanne Lowe
August 23, 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019


“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version

The newspapers, the television and the radio are filled with reports of violence, murders, rapes, child abuse and all other things that hurt Jesus.  We pray and ask God to heal our land but our Scripture verse tells us that it is us, the people who call themselves Christians who need to turn from their wicked ways. 

We want to blame the politicians and everyone else for all the violence in our country but God tells us that it is because of the things Christians say and do.  None of us want to point the finger of guilt at ourselves.  It is a lot easier to point the finger of guilt at someone else. 

Christians need to stop condemning, criticizing and blaming others for the violence in our country and change their behavior and the cruel sarcastic words that they say to others.  All of us are guilty of hurting people at times by the sarcastic words we say and the things that we do.

I read in the news that a man is going to be put to death for killing a college student.  We might think that he deserves to die but guess what, every one of us and that includes me deserve to die because of our sins.  We read in the Bible “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23).  “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

If it wasn’t for the unconditional love that Jesus gave us when He died on the cross for our sins all of us would be on our way to hell for eternity.  May God help us to stop criticizing and blaming everyone else and take the responsibility for our own cruel words and actions.  I believe one of the things that hurts Jesus the most is when we refuse to forgive those who have hurt us.  If Jesus can forgive us for our sins, how dare you and I harbor unforgiveness in our heart?

Jesus set the example that we should follow in forgiving those who hurt us.  We read in the Bible.  “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots” (Luke 23:34).  If Jesus could forgive us while still hanging on the cross with the blood flowing down His body and suffering pain and anguish that you and I will never know, we need to forgive those who hurt us.  None of us are perfect, and that includes me.  All of us hurt others at times by our words and by our actions.

A pastor used this illustration in a sermon about forgiveness.  “There was a man who was very angry and bitter about something and he refused to forgive the person who had hurt him and the person who hurt him died without being forgiven.”  How we must hurt Jesus and break His heart when we harbor unforgiveness and bitterness in our heart and refuse to forgive those who hurt us.  Thank God that Jesus loves us enough to forgive us when we hurt Him.

Heavenly Father, I pray You will make all of us understand how much we hurt Jesus and how much we hurt You when we refuse to forgive those who have hurt us.  I pray for every pastor who is preaching the good news of our risen Saviour.  Please be with my Pastor, encourage Him and take the pain away that he is having.  Thank You.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
King James Version
We pray for revival but there has to be an awakening first.  We need to pray for an awakening instead of praying for revival.  It is impossible to revive something that hasn’t had an awakening.  One of the definitions I found in the dictionary for revive is “to make operative or valid again”.  If we have never been on fire for Jesus by serving Him and spreading His unconditional love to others, it is impossible to revive us. 
Ira B. Wilson wrote one of my favorite hymns “Out in the highways and byways of life”.  “Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love, Tell of His pow’r to forgive; Others will trust Him if only you prove True, every moment you live. Give as ’twas given to you in your need, Love as the Master loved you; Be to the helpless a helper indeed, Unto your mission be true.”  Are you loving others as Jesus loves you?  Do people know you love Jesus by your words and by your actions?
Are you serving Jesus?  If not, why aren’t you serving Him?  Jesus left His Father, His home and all that He had to come to earth and die on the cross for your sins.  It should be the heart’s desire of every Christian to serve Him.  One of my favorite hymns is “The Longer I Serve Him” by Bill Gaither.  “Since I started for the Kingdom, Since my life He controls, Since I gave my heart to Jesus, The longer I serve Him, The sweeter He grows. The longer serve Him, the sweeter He grows, The more that I love Him, more love He bestows; Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.”
What a joy and privilege it is to serve my precious Saviour.  I love Jesus with all my heart and one happy day I will see Him face to face.  If you want to have joy, stay in the presence of Jesus.  “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Psalms 16:11).  Are you serving Jesus?  If not, why aren’t you serving Him?
Joanne Lowe
August 21, 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

Psalms 30:5
King James Version

Have you ever had a night when you couldn’t sleep because you had so many problems, burdens and heartaches and it seemed like the morning would never come?  It was a long, long night filled with sadness and despair.  I had many of those nights before I gave my heart and life to Jesus.  There is good news because when we can’t sleep Jesus sits bedside our bed, He holds our hand, and whispers “I love you” and joy comes in the morning.

Gloria and Bill Gaither wrote one of my favorite hymns “Joy Comes In the Morning”.  I love these words in this beautiful hymn.  If you've knelt beside the rubble of an aching broken heart When the things you gave your life to fell apart You're not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief or pain But the master promised sunshine after rain. Hold on my child joy comes in the morning Weeping only last for the night Hold on my child Joy comes in the morning The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight.”

Jesus knows how it feels to have sorrow, grief and pain so He understands how we feel when we are going through a dark valley.  Not only does He understand how we feel, He cares when we are hurting and He will pick us up in His loving arms and carry us through all the dark valleys in our life and will be faithful to set us once again on the mountain top of happiness.

Charles Weigle wrote one of my very favorite hymns “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus”.  The words in this beautiful heart touching hymn describe the unconditional compassionate love our Saviour has for us.  “No one ever cared for me like Jesus; There's no other friend so kind as He. No one else could take the sin and darkness from me; O how much He cared for me.”

Jesus loved you yesterday.  He loves you today and He will love you forever.  There is nothing you could do that would make Him stop loving you.  Jesus proved how much He loves us when He allowed them to crucify Him on the cross for our sins.  What are you doing to prove to Jesus how much you love Him?

Joanne Lowe
August 20, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
Hebrews 13:8
King James Version
I think all of us have been disappointed by someone.  There is good news.  Jesus will never disappoint us.  A. A. Luther wrote the hymn “JESUS NEVER FAILS”. I’m so glad the words in this hymn are true.  “Earthly friends may prove untrue, doubts and fears assail; One still loves and cares for you, one who will not fail. Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails; Heav'n and earth may pass away, but Jesus never fails.”
It hurts when someone disappointments us but none of are perfect.  All of us have probably disappointed someone at some time.  May God help us to be encouragers to one another and pray for one another instead of judging people.  Yes, Jesus never fails us but there are times we fail Him and hurt Him when we don’t love one another unconditionally as He has commanded us to love.  Loving one another unconditionally is not an option, it is a commandment.
We read in the Bible.  “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12).  Can you honestly say you always love others unconditionally as Jesus loves us?  I can’t say I do because there are times when I get upset and angry and I have to ask God to forgive me.  Let’s start loving one another unconditionally as Jesus has commanded us to love.  It will make Jesus happy.  Making Jesus happy should be the heart’s desire of every Christian.
Joanne Lowe
August 19, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

“The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
John 20:25
King James Version
I believe that every time they pounded a nail into our precious Saviour’s hands that He felt that pain in His heart.  We were not there when Jesus was crucified and they pounded the nails in His hands but every time we say something or do something to hurt someone, we have pounded another nail in His heart. 
Someone said “He deserves to be treated this way after what he did.”  Guess what, all of us deserve to go to hell because of our sins but because Jesus willingly walked that long lonely road to Calvary and there allowed them to crucify Him for our sins, we can have our sins forgiven and go to Heaven when we die.
Evangelist Gordon Jensen wrote the hymn “I Should Have Been Crucified”.  These words in this heart touching hymn are so true.  “And I should have been crucified, I should have suffered and died. I should have hung on the cross in disgrace, But Jesus, God’s Son, took my place.  Crown of thorns, the spear in His side, And all the pain should have been mine. Those rusty nails were meant for me, But Jesus took them, and let me go free!”  There is no love like the love of our precious Saviour.  When I think about them pounding nails into His hands because of my sins, it breaks my heart.
I used to blame my parents for everything bad that happened to me until one day I heard Billy Graham say on one of his crusades “Don’t you blame your parents for who you are now because there comes a time in every person’s life when he or she makes the choice to do wrong”.  It is so easy to point the finger of guilt at someone else but it’s a lot harder to point the finger of guilt at ourselves, isn’t it?
Jesus doesn’t condemn us when we do and say things that hurt Him.  He still loves us when we sin but He tells us to not sin any more.  “When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:10,11).   
It is time that you and I become encouragers to one another instead of judging and condemning people.  Remember, except for the grace of God, we would all be on our way to hell.  None of us are perfect and that includes me.  There is always someone else I could have encouraged and told him or her how much they are loved by Jesus.
Let’s stop pounding nails into our precious Saviour’s heart by our actions and by our words.  It should be the goal of every Christian to make Jesus happy.  If ever someone deserves to be happy, praised and adored, it is Jesus, the Saviour of the world.  All hail, King Jesus!  Worthy is the Lamb of God!  He is the “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”!  What brings tears of happiness to my eyes is knowing that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.  Are you praising Jesus or are you pounding another nail in His heart?
Joanne Lowe
August 18, 2019

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.” 
Matthew 18:21, 22
King James Version
Someone who was talking to a friend said “She did it again.  She promised she would never do it again.  How many times is she going to keep doing it?  She said she was sorry and asked me to forgive her and I did but she did it again the next day.”
I think if we will listen with our heart, we will hear our Heavenly Father say to us “You asked Me to forgive you and you told Me that you wouldn’t do it again but you keep doing it.”  It is so easy to point the finger of guilt at someone, isn’t it?   It’s a lot harder for us to admit we need forgiveness.
One of my pastors said in a sermon “If you will make sure your own heart is in right standing with God, you won’t have the time to judge and criticize others”.  The pastor was so right because I have found that it is a full time job to make sure there is nothing in my heart that hurts God and breaks His heart.  I receive emails from people who tell me how wonderful it is that I write devotions and I appreciate those emails because all of us need to be encouraged.
However, like you do, there are times when I hurt God and break His heart.  Don’t look to me, to your pastor or to your Sunday school teacher, keep your eyes on Jesus because He is perfect and He will never hurt you.  I know from personal experience that Jesus really cares about us and He never leaves us, not even for a minute.
A husband and wife were taking a trip and while driving down the highway the wife said to her husband “We don’t sit next to each other like we used to do”.  Her husband who was driving replied “I haven’t moved”.  If you feel like Jesus has left you, He hasn’t.  He is still here.  It is you that has left Him.  I don’t think we have grasped in our heart that it hurts Jesus when we don’t spend time with Him.  If our schedules are so busy that we don’t have the time to talk to Jesus, we are too busy and we need to rearrange our schedules.
My Mother used to say to me “I told you not to do that again and you told me you weren’t going to do it again but you did”.  It is a good thing that our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and is a compassionate forgiving Father.  May God help us to forgive others as He forgives us.
You might think why should I forgive that person?  She didn’t ask me to forgive her.  Jesus showed us how we should forgive others.  We should forgive from our heart.  While still hanging on the cross with the blood flowing down His body, He asked His Father to forgive us.
“And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.  Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots” (Luke 23:33,34).
Heavenly Father, I’m sorry for the times when I have hurt You because I allowed unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment and hatred to remain in my heart.  Thank You for loving me and forgiving me.  I love You so much, Heavenly Father.  Thank You that You will never hit us, yell at us, and tell us we’re no good.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.
Joanne Lowe
August 17, 2019

Friday, August 16, 2019


“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Hebrews 13:5
King James Version

Ralph Carmichael wrote a beautiful hymn about our precious Saviour  “Reach Out To Jesus”.  I love these words.  “Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?  Does the road you travel, harbor dangers yet unknown?  Are you growing weary in the struggle of it all?  Jesus will help you when on his name you call.”

There are times when we go through dark valleys and we don’t have to if we will only ask Jesus to help us.  Jesus really loves us and He cares when we are discouraged and going through dark valleys and He wants to help us.  Jesus said  “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Heavenly Father, I pray for all who are discouraged, please comfort and encourage them as You have done for me so many times.  I love You so much and I appreciate all You have done for me.  Thank You for adopting me into Your family and for the privilege You have given me to serve Jesus.

Joanne Lowe
August 16, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019


“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”

John 14:1-4
King James Version

I watched the Homecoming Celebration for Dottie Rambo on the internet yesterday.  I have watched it several times in the past and as I heard all the loving and wonderful things they said about her the thought came to me did they tell her?  Did they tell Dottie how much they loved her and what she meant to them while she was alive?  We can’t tell people how much we love them after they die.

I think that we are sometimes like the man who said “I don’t have to tell my wife I love her.  I married her so she should know I love her”.  I am so glad that Jesus isn’t like that man who said his wife should know he loves her because he married her.  Jesus tells us every day that He loves us as He reassures us that He loves us.  Evangelist Charles Weigle wrote one of my very favorite hymns “NO ONE EVER CARED FOR ME LIKE JESUS”.     

“Every day He comes to me with new assurance, More and more I understand His words of love; But I'll never know just why He came to save me, Till some day I see His blessed face above. No one ever cared for me like Jesus; There's no other friend so kind as He; No one else could take the sin and darkness from me - O how much He cared for me!”

I’m so glad the words in this hymn are true because if Jesus didn’t tell me every day that He loves me, I would go to bed and stay there.  However, we do know why Jesus came to save us.  The Bible tells us why He came to save us.  We read in the Bible.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

If anyone ever asks you who Jesus is, tell them “Jesus is love, unconditional love”.  Not only does Jesus give love, He is love.  Do you realize what a privilege it is to be loved by the Saviour of the world?  I think sometimes we treat Him like He is a puppet.  We put Him on a shelf and only take Him down when we need something.  How we must hurt Him and break His heart at times.

It is not enough to tell our spouse, our children and our loved ones that we love them one time.  It is very important that we tell them often that we love them and then prove that we love them by our actions.  Words don’t mean anything unless they are backed up by our actions.  Do your family and friends know you love them?  How often do you tell them?  May God help us to be kind and loving to our family, to our loved ones and to all we meet.

Joanne Lowe
August 15, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”

2 Corinthians 5:20
King James Version

Harper G. Smyth wrote one of my favorite hymns “Make Me A Channel of Blessing”.  “Make me a channel of blessing today, Make me a channel of blessing, I pray; My life possessing, my service blessing, Make me a channel of blessing today.”  Are we a blessing to others?  Do others know we love Jesus by our words and by our actions?

There are many people who are hurting and they need to know that someone loves them.  May God help us to be a channel of blessing to our family, our friends and to everyone we see.  We don’t know what is going on in someone’s life, what dark valleys they are going through.  All we know is what they tell us.

I don’t know about you but it is very hard for me to share with people when I am hurting.  I’m not sure why, maybe because I’m afraid people won’t understand or they will think what I am going through isn’t that important.  Jesus sees what is in our heart and He understands and He cares when we are hurting.  Jesus is a Friend beyond compare.  I have many precious friends and I have a best friend that God gave me but they are human and they can’t see into my heart.  They only know what I share with them.  Jesus always understands and He always cares when I am hurting.

We need to be encouragers to one another.  Are you encouraging people by your words and by your actions or are you discouraging them?  We read in the Bible.  “They helped every one his neighbour; and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage.    So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved” (Isaiah 41:6,7).

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and for adopting me into Your family.  I pray that You will help me to be an encourager to everyone I see.  Thank You for Your Son Who is the greatest Encourager of all.  Jesus, I love You with all my heart and I long for the day when I will see You face to face.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe

August 14, 2019