Sunday, October 31, 2021


"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."

Revelation 22:17
King James Version

Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. wrote the beautiful inspiring hymn "HE INCLUDED ME". I believe hs wrote this hymn from the depths of his heart.

" I am so happy in Christ today, That I go singing along my way; Yes, I’m so happy to know and say, Jesus included me, too.
Jesus included me, yes, He included me, When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me; Jesus included me, yes, He included me, When the Lord said, Whosoever, He included me."

When Jesus walked that long lonely road to Calvary and allowed them to crucify Him on the cross for our sins, He died for all of our sins. I have said this many times and I will keep saying it until I go to Heaven. Nobody loves us like Jesus and our Heavenly Father love us. Their love is unconditional and unending.

I love You, Heavenly Father. I love You, Jesus. I love You, Holy Spirit. Thank You, precious Father, for loving us so much You gave Your beloved Son to die for our sins. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Joanne Lowe
November 1, 2021

Saturday, October 30, 2021


"Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein."

Psalms 64:39
King James Version

James Rowe wrote a beautiful hymn "PRAISE HIM". I love the words in this inspiring hymn.

"Bells are ringing, children singing, Joyous music fills the air; Children’s day to all is bringing, From the Savior, blessings rare.
Praise Him, praise Him, all creation,

Ceaseless praise to Him outpour; Fill the skies with jubilation; Praise the Lord forevermore."

Are we doing it? Are we praising Him morning, noon and night? If not, we are hurting Him and breaking His heart. Let's make a special effort to praise our precious Saviour.

I love You, dear Jesus, and I long for the day when I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face.

Joanne Lowe
October 31, 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021


"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

Hebrews 13:8
King James Version

The Emmanuel Quartet sings a beautiful hymn "Jesus Never Fails". I love these words.

"So many souls have tested Him throughout the course of time So many still reach out to Him with broken hearts and minds And everyone of them will say with no exception that they find Jesus never fails

Even in the days of old, He brought His people through And then He came to show His love when He died for me and you And then He rose again to prove that every story had been true Jesus never fails."

There are times when all of us fail our precious Saviour but Jesus will never fail us. Not only will He never fail us, He will love us unconditionally and He will never leave us. I love You so much, dear Jesus, and I appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 30, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021


"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh."

Ezekiel 36:26
King James Version

When Jesus saves us, He takes the darkness of our sins away and gives us a new heart filled with the light of His love. What a privilege is ours to have the Saviour of the world love us unconditionally. I love You, dear Jesus, and I appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 29, 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

John 14:1-3
King James Version

If you have confessed your sins and asked God to forgive you and have asked Jesus to come into your heart, you are saved and Jesus has prepared a mansion for you in Heaven.

What a privilege it is to be part of the family of God and to live with Jesus for eternity in Heaven. I love You, dear Jesus and I am looking forward to spending eternity in Heaven with You. Thank You for dying for my sins.

Joanne Lowe
October 28, 2021


"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."

Revelation 1:18
King James Version

Rev. Author: A. H. Ackley wrote one of my favorite hymns "I serve a risen Savior". I'm so glad the words in this beautiful hymn are true.

"I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today I know that He is living, whatever men may say I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer And just the time I need Him, He’s always near

He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, he lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart."

Jesus, thank You for not only being our Saviour but also our best Friend. I love You and appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 27, 2021

Monday, October 25, 2021


"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

John 8:12
King James Version

Philip P. Bliss wrote a beautiful hymn about our Saviour "The Light of the World Is Jesus". I love the words in this heart touching inspiring hymn.

"No darkness have we who in Jesus abide; The Light of the world is Jesus! We walk in the light when we follow our Guide! The Light of the world is Jesus!

Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee; Sweetly the light has dawned upon me; Once I was blind, but now I can see: The Light of the world is Jesus!"

Thank You, Jesus, for being our Guiding Light in this world of darkness and violence. I love You and appreciate all You have done for me. I look forward to the day when I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face.

Carrie E. Breck wrote the beautiful heart touching hymn "FACE TO FACE WITH CHRIST, MY SAVIOR". I believe she wrote this from the depths of her heart.

"Face to face with Christ, my Savior, Face to face—what will it be, When with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ who died for me?

Face to face I shall behold Him, Far beyond the starry sky; Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by!

Only faintly now I see Him, With the darkened veil between, But a blessèd day is coming, When His glory shall be seen. What rejoicing in His presence, When are banished grief and pain; When the crooked ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain."

Are you ready to meet Jesus if He should come back for us while you are reading this devotion? If not, I urge you to invite Jesus into your heart right now before it is too late. He loves you so much He died for you.

Joanne Lowe
October 26, 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021


"Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name."

1 Chronicles 29:13
King James Version

Pastor William P. Mackay wrote one of my favorite hymns "REVIVE US AGAIN". I love the words in this heart touching hymn.

"We praise Thee, O God! For Thy Spirit of light, Who hath shown us our Savior, And scattered our night. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Revive us again."

Our Heavenly Father not only loves us unconditionally, He also revives us when we grow weary and people say words to us and do things that hurt us. He really loves us and it breaks His heart when we are sad.

What a privilege it is to be part of the family of God. Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote a beautiful heart touching hymn about our Heavenly Father and our precious Saviour "Family of God".

"I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of God, I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, For I'm part of the family, The Family of God.

You will notice we say "brother and sister" 'round here, It's because we're a family and these are so near; When one has a heartache, we all share the tears, And rejoice in each victory in this family so dear."

I love You, Heavenly Father. I love You, Jesus. I love You, Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, I pray for all who are lonely, sick, discouraged and for those who feel like going to bed and staying there, please comfort and encourage them. Thank You. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Joanne Lowe
October 25, 2021

Saturday, October 23, 2021


"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Proverbs 3:5, 6
King James Version

Rev. John H. Sammis wrote the beautiful hymn "TRUST AND OBEY" I love the words in this hymn. Are we doing what we are singing in this hymn?

"When we walk with the Lord In the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey.Trust and obey, For there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey."

We can trust Jesus for everything because He loves us and wants us to be happy. He will never hurt us or fail us. We have a Saviour Who loves us unconditionally even when we hurt Him and fail Him. I love You, dear Jesus and I appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 24, 2021


"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
King James Version

One day Jesus is coming back for us. On that victorious day not only will we be with our loved ones, we will be with Jesus forever. Are you shouting with happiness yet? Just think, we are gong to see Jesus face to face.

Jim Hill wrote a beautiful hymn about our precious Saviour "What A Day That Will Be".
"There is coming a day When no heartaches shall come No more clouds in the sky No more tears to dim the eye All is peace forevermore On that happy golden shore What a day, glorious day that will be

What a day that will be When my Jesus I shall see When I look upon His face The One who saved me by His grace Then He’ll take me by the hand And lead me through the Promise Land Oh what a day, glorious day that will be."

Thank You, Jesus, for loving us us and for dying for our sins so we can be saved and go to Heaven. I love You and appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 23, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021


"If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."

John 15:10
King James Version

Are we doing it? Are we keeping His commandments? Jesus has told us to love one another as He loves us. Jesus loves us unconditionally. Can we honestly say that we always love one another unconditionally?

I can't because there are times when someone hurts my feelings that I get upset and say harsh words to the person.

We read in the Bible. " This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12. If we're not loving one another as Jesus loves us, we are hurting Jesus and breaking His heart.

If ever someone had a right to get upset, it is Jesus. He was riciculed, mocked, cursed, beaten and crucified on the cross for your sins and for my sins yet He still loves us and He loves us unconditionally.

Thank You, Jesus, for all You have done for us. I love You so much and I appreciate You.

Joanne Lowe
October 22, 2021

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


"Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

Acts 1:11
King James Version

One of my favorite hymns is "What A Day That Will Be". When I hear the Heritage Singers singing this beautiful hymn I get tears of happiness in my eyes.

"There is coming a day when no heartaches shall come No more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye. All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore, What a day, glorious day that will be.

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, And I look upon His face, The One who saved me by His grace; When He takes me by the hand And leads me through the Promised Land, What a day, glorious day that will be.

There'll be no sorrow there, no more burdens to bear, No more sickness, no pain, no more parting over there; And forever I will be with the One who died for me, What a day, glorious day that will be."

Are you ready to meet Jesus if He should come back for us today? Have you confessed your sins to God, asked Him to forgive you and invited Jesus into your heart to be your personal Saviour?

If not, I urge you to do it now. We don't know when Jesus is coming back for us but He is coming and we need to be ready. Don't miss out of spending eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

Joanne Lowe
October 21, 2021

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;"

Philippians 2:10
King James Version

Every time I read this verse, I get tears of happiness in my eyes to know that our precious Saviour will one day get the recognition and praise He deserves. Think about it! Jesus, our precious Saviour is going to see every knee bowing to Him in praise and adoration.

If ever someone deserves to be praised, it is Jesus! He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! He is the fairest of ten thousand to our soul. He is the bright and morning Star. He is the great I Am. Are you shouting with happiness yet?

Marvin P. Dalton wrote the most beautiful hymn about our precious Saviour that I have ever heard "O WHAT A SAVIOR". Every time I hear these words or sing them I have tears of happiness rolling down my face.

"Once I was straying in sin’s dark valley No hope within could I see They searched through Heaven And found a Savior To save a poor lost soul like me.

O what a Savior, O hallelujah His heart was broken on Calvary His hands were nail scarred His side was riven He gave His life-blood for even me.

Death’s chilly water I’ll soon be crossing His hand will lead me safe o're I’ll join the chorus in that great city And sing up there for evermore."

Think about it! One happy day we will have the privilege of seeing our precious Saviour face to face. Are you shouting with happiness yet? I love You so much, dear Jesus, and one day I will have the privilege of seeing You. Thank You for loving me and for dying for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 20, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021


"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."

John 4:35
King James Version

T. W. Dennington wrote the hymn "WORK TODAY FOR JESUS". The words in this hymn should make us realize we need to be working for Jesus.

"Who will labor for the Master? Who will hear His call today? Who will gladly reap the harvest? Who will now the call obey?
Come, come, work today for Jesus; White the harvest, look around about thee; Come, come, work today for Jesus, Precious souls thy hire shall be."

Jesus is not only calling us to work for Him, He is also calling us to rest when we grow weary. Fanny Crosby wrote the hymn "JESUS IS TENDERLY CALLING YOU HOME". I love the words in this beautiful hymn.

"Jesus is calling the weary to rest, Calling today, calling today, Bring Him your burden and you shall be blest; He will not turn you away."

Let's work for Jesus and then let Him give us rest. He loves us so much that He died for us. What a privilege is ours to be part of the family of God and to have Jesus as our Saviour.

Joanne Lowe
September 19, 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021


"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

John 8:12
King James Version

Philip P. Bliss wrote one of my favorite hymns "The Light of the World Is Jesus". I love the words in this beautiful hymn .

"The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin, The Light of the world is Jesus! Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in; The Light of the world is Jesus!

Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee; Sweetly the light has dawned upon me; Once I was blind, but now I can see: The Light of the world is Jesus!"

Not only is Jesus the Saviour of the world, He is also our light in the darkness of despair and heartache. When people say and do things to hurt us, Jesus shines His light a little brighter in our heart.

Jesus knows how it feels to have people say and do things that hurt us. He had been ridiculed, cursed, beaten and left alone to die on the cross for our sins.

Nobody has ever felt the pain and anguish that Jesus has felt and nobody ever will. Thank You, Jesus, for caring about us and for loving us unconditionally.

Joanne Lowe
September 18, 2021

Saturday, October 16, 2021


"Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

Colossians 3:24
King James Version

Are you serving Jesus? Does He have first place in your heart, in your time and in your life? If we aren't serving Jesus, we are hurting Him and breaking His heart. After all that our precious Saviour has done for us, He deserves to have first place.

Are you ready to meet Jesus if He comes back for us while you are reading this devotion? We don't know when He is coming back for us, but He is coming and we need to be ready.

We read in the Bible. "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:52

Thank You, Jesus for all You have done for us. I look forward to the day when I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face. Thank You for dying for my sins. I love You.

Joanne Lowe
October 17, 2021

Friday, October 15, 2021


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

John 3:16
King James Version

Marvin P. Dalton wrote a beautiful heart touching hymn about our precious Saviour "O What a Savior". The words in this hymn describe what a loving Saviour we have.

"O what a Savior, O hallelujah! His heart was broken on Calvary, His hands were nail scarred, His side was riven, He gave His life-blood for even me.

He left the Father with all His riches, With calmness sweet and serene, Came down from Heaven and gave His life-blood, To make the vilest sinner clean."

If you ever think nobody loves you, remember the cross and all the agony and pain Jesus endured when He was crucified on the cross for us.

I've said this many times and I will keep saying it until God calls me to Heaven. Nobody loves you like Jesus loves you and nobody ever will. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for dying for me.

Joanne Lowe
September 16, 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021


"And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."

Revelation 19:16
King James Version

What a privilege is ours to be loved by our precious Saviour. He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS and He loves us. Not only does He love us, He loves us unconditionally. There is nothing you could ever do that would make Him stop loving you.

Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge how much He loves you? We are not worthy of such love but He loves us anyway. When is the last time you told Jesus you love Him? Have you ever told Him that you love Him? Do you love Him? If so, what are you doing the prove to Him that you love Him?

Joanne Lowe
September 15, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


"For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."

Revelation 7:17
King James Version

One happy joyous day God Himself is going to wipe our tears away. I believe He is going to wipe them away with soft gentle kisses. Just think about it! God loves us so much that He is going to wipe our tears away and He gave His beloved Son to die on the cross for your sins and for my sins.

Someone made the statement "I have never done anything wrong and have never sinned". I submit to you on the authofity of the Word of God that there is only one perfect person who ever lived or ever will live and His name is Jesus.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for lofving us and for caring about us. I love You and appreciate all You have done for us. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Joanne Lowe
October 14, 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


"And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:"

Exodus 13:21
King James Version

Annie S. Hawks wrote one of my favorite hymns "I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR". The words in this inspiring hymn are so true. "I need Thee, O I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee."

Jesus has told us that we can't do anything without Him. "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15: 5).

There are days that I am in so much pain that I can't get out of bed without Jesus helping to get up. Jesus understands how we feel when we are in pain because our precious Saviour endured more pain and anguish than you and I will ever know.

Rev. George O. Webster wrote one of my favorite hymns "I NEED JESUS". The words in this heart touching hymn are so true.
"I need Jesus, my need I now confess; No friend like Him in times of deep distress; I need Jesus, the need I gladly own; Tho’ some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus."

Thank You, dear Jesus, for all You have done for me. I love You so much and look forward to the day when I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face.

Joanne Lowe
September 13, 2021

Monday, October 11, 2021


"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."

1 Timothy 1:15
King James Version

Why did our loving Saviour leave His Father, His home and all that He had to come to earth and die for us? It is because He loves us and wants us to be saved and live in Heaven with Him when we die.

Not only does Jesus want us to be saved, He also wants us to be happy. We read in the Bible. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

I don't think any of us realize how much Jesus loves us and that includes me. God did not make Jesus leave Heaven and come to earth to die on the cross for our sins.

Jesus left His Father and His home willingly to die on the cross because He loves us.
I have said this many times and I will keep saying it until God calls me home to Heaven. Nobody loves us like Jesus loves us and nobody ever will. His unconditional love for us is beyond compare. O how I love Jesus!

Joanne Lowe
October 12, 2021

Sunday, October 10, 2021


"And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

Matthew 3:17

King James Version

I remember when my brother left home to go in the service. My Mother went outside with him when he left and she stood there for a long time watching him go even when we was out of sight.

I believe when Jesus left Heaven to come to earth that God and Jesus had a long talk before Jesus and that They hugged one another for a long time and they cried.

Our Heavenly Father said nice things about Jesus. What is He saying about us? Is God pleased with the things we say and the things we do? Are we making Him happy or are we breaking His heart?

How do we make God happy? We make Him happy by being kind and loving to His beloved Son. How do we make Jesus happy? We make Jesus happy by loving one another uncondtionally as He loves us.

Are we making our precious Saviour happy or are we hurting Him and beaking His heart?

Joanne Lowe
September 11, 2021


"(A Psalm.) O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory."

Psalms 98:1
King James Version

We have a tender loving Saviour Who loves us so much He willingly walked that long lonely road to Calvary and allowed them to crucify Him on the cross for your sins and for my sins.

No one loves us like Jesus loves us and no one ever will. What a privilege it is to be loved by the Saviour of the world.

Jesus proved He loves us. What are we doing to prove to Him that we love Him? Do we love Him? Do our words and our actions prove to Him that we love Him or does what we do and say hurt Him and break His heart? May God have mercy on us if we are hurting His beloved Son.

Joanne Lowe
September 10, 2021

Saturday, October 9, 2021


"And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof."

Revelation 21:23
King James Version

Jesus is our Light in the darkness of sorrow, heartache and despair. Several years ago we had a bad storm where I live and it was very dark outside.

One of my pastors told us that they were in a cave and it was so dark in there that they could not see their hand. When we have problems and heartaches, Jesus shines His light of love a little brighter. Yes, Jesus is the light of the world and the light of our heart. I love You, dear Jesus.

Joanne Lowe
September 9, 2021

Friday, October 8, 2021


"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is."

Jeremiah 17:7
King James Version

Rev. Edward Mote wrote one of my favorite hymns "MY HOPE IS BUILT" I'm so glad the words in this beautiful hymn are true.
I love these words about our precious Saviour.

"My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly trust in Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil."

Thank You, Jesus, for the assurance we have that You will take care of us and we can trust You. You are a faithful Friend Who loves us so much You died for us. Thank You. I love You, dear Jesus and I appreciate all that You have done for us.

Joanne Lowe
September 8, 2021

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee."

Psalms 84:11, 12
King James Bible

Rev. John H. Sammis wrote one of my favorite hymns "TRUST AND OBEY". The words in this beautiful hymn are so true.

"When we walk with the Lord In the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, For there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey."

Thank You, Jesus, for the assurance we have that we can trust You and that You will never leave us or fail us. You are a tender loving Saviour and i love You and appreciate all You have done for me.

Joanne Lowe
October 7, 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Acts 2:21
King James Version

Are you saved? Have you admitted you are a sinner and asked God to forgive you for your sins and invited Jesus into your heart to be your personal Saviour? If not, I urge you to do it now. Don't put it off.

We read in the Bible. "(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)" (2 Corinthians 6:2)

One day it will be too late to invite Jesus into your heart because He is coming back for us and we need to be ready to meet Him. Are you ready to meet Him ir He should come back for us today? Could you look Him in the eye?

Don't miss out on spending eternity with Jesus? Our Saviour loves us unconditionally. There is nothing we could ever do that would make Him stop loving us. Jesus has proved to us how much He loves us. It is time we prove to Him how much we love Him.

If Jesus didn't tell me every day that He loves us, it would break my heart. Jesus has feelings too and He wants us to tell Him that we love Him. Have you told Jesus today that you love Him? Do you love Him? What are you doing to prove to Him that you love Him?

Joanne Lowe
September 6, 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021


"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28
King James Version

Jesus knows how it feels to be tired and need to rest. We read in the Bible. "Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour." (John 4:6).

Our Saviour understands and cares when we are discouraged, lonely, tired and feel like giving up and going to bed.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your arms of unconditional love and for caring about us. You are so precious and I love and appreciate You.

Joanne Lowe
October 5, 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021


"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh."

Ezekiel 36:26
King James Version

Doctors can perform open heart surgery but only Jesus can forgive our sins and give us a new heart and take away our sin. We have a tender loving Saviour Who loves us so much He died for us so that we we may be saved and go to Heaven when we die. O how much He loves us!

Joanne Lowe
October 4, 2021

Saturday, October 2, 2021


"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

John 14:3
King James Version

We can trust Jesus to take care of us, to never leave us and to understand when we are discouraged and feel like giving up and going to bed. When Jesus was here on His mission, I'm sure there were times when He felt like giving up so He understands how we feel. We can trust Jesus to encourage us and help us when we feel like giving up and going to bed and staying there. I love You, dear Jesus.

Joanne Lowe
October 3, 2021


"Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee."

Psalms 63:3
King James Version

Are we doing it? Are we praising Jesus for all He has done for us? Does He come first in our heart, in our life and in everything we do and say? Does Jesus know we love Him? Have we told Him that we love Him? It would break my heart if Jesus didn't tell me every day that He loves me.

I love You, Jesus, and I appreciate all You have done for me. Heavenly Father, please comfort, protect and encourage all who are discouraged. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Joanne Lowe
October 2, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021


"And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation."

Genesis 7:1
King James Version

Our Saviour protects us from all danger. He loves us so much He died on the cross for us. We can trust Him to take care of us.
When we are going through dark valleys and feel like giving up, if we will ask Him to do so, our loving Saviour will pick us up in His loving arms and carry us until the pain goes away.

I've said this many times and I will keep saying it until God calls me to Heaven. No one loves you like Jesus loves you and nobody ever will. He loved us yesterday. He loves us today and He will love us forever. What a privilege it is to be loved by the Saviour of the world.

Heavenly Father, I pray for every pastor who is preaching the good news of our risen Saviour. Please comfort them, encourage them and let them know how much You love them and appreciate their service to You. Please bless their families and keep them safe in Your loving arms. Thank You for caring.

Joanne Lowe
October 1, 2021