Sunday, March 31, 2019


“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Matthew 22: 37- 39
King James Version

I watched a family program on television. A stranger came to town with legal documents proving that all the land belonged to him. At first, there were shocked reactions and then anger took over. The town tried to reason with the man, but he was too greedy to listen.

At the conclusion of the movie, every man blew up his home with dynamite. They had decided that the stranger might own the land, but he didn’t own what they had built. They started walking hand in hand singing “Onward Christian Soldiers”. Their homes were destroyed but the love they had for each other remained.

O that we would have that kind of love for one another. When tragedy strikes our families, loved ones and friends, may we be like that town and join our hands singing “Onward Christian Soldiers”. There is no telling how many broken homes and broken marriages would be restored if we would love and pray for them instead of gossiping about the situation and criticizing them. May we realize but for the grace of God, we might be struggling with the same issues.

We will never be able to love our neighbors as Jesus has commanded unless we first love Him. We are powerless to do anything without His strength. When you die will you be remembered for your possessions, or for the love you gave to your loved ones and to the world?

Joanne Lowe

March 31, 2019

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