Friday, February 21, 2020


"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

Jeremiah 31:3
King James Bible

I heard a pastor say this on the radio when he was talking to a man who had said to him "I messed up again." The pastor replied "Jesus never stops loving us and He never gives up on us". The next time satan tries to discourage you so much that you stop serving Jesus, remind satan that Jesus already won the victory when He defeated satan on the cross.

It would be so easy to give up and stop serving Jesus when people say cruel and discouraging words to us and about us. However, we must stay on the battlefield for Jesus just as He stayed on the cross for us when He could have come down. Rev. Ray Overholt wrote the heart touching hymn "He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels". Rev. Overholt was led to Jesus by writing this hymn.

If Jesus stayed on the cross for us because He loves us so much while He was bleeding and had been beaten beyond recognition, how can you and I do less than continue to serve Jesus no matter how many times we are ridiculed, lied about and judged?

Joanne Lowe
February 21, 2020

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