Thursday, February 11, 2021


"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."

Romans 14:11
King James Version

Every time I see a wedding and the guests standing up as the bride walks down the aisle, I get excited knowing that one day, when Jesus comes back for us He will finally get the respect He so richly deserves.

When Jesus comes back for us, we won't stand up. We will bow our knees in respect to our Saviour. The happiness we feel on that day will be more happiness than we have ever known.

What a privilege it is to be part of the family of God. I love You, Jesus, and I look forward to the day when I will see You face to face.

Carrie E. Breck wrote a beautiful hymn about our precious Saviour "FACE TO FACE WITH CHRIST, MY SAVIOR". I love these words.

"What rejoicing in His presence, When are banished grief and pain; When the crooked ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain.

Face to face I shall behold Him, Far beyond the starry sky; Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by!"

If you are reading this devotion, know that Jesus loves you so much He died for you and He longs to fellowship with you. Have you talked to Jesus today? If not, He is waiting for you to come to Him.

Joanne Lowe
February 12, 2021

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