Sunday, March 14, 2021


"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

1 John 4:7
King James Version

When I went to bed last night I started thanking God for all He has done for me. I prayed for my family and friends and then I said "Heavenly Father, please comfort, protect and heal everybody in the world physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually".

I think we sometimes forget that even the people who seem to be happy that they too have heartaches and dark valleys in their life. It is so important that we pray for everybody.

Just because people don't tell us they are hurting doesn't mean that they don't cry and need prayers. Instead of getting upset with people, we need to become an encouragement to them.

When is the last time that you told someone that Jesus loves him or her? Joyce Landorf, a Christian speaker and author, said on one of her teaching tapes "People we sit next to in church look fine and they look darling but inside they are hurting".

When is the last time you told someone that Jesus loves him or her? If Jesus didn't tell me every day that He loves me, it would break my heart but He does tell me.

Evangelist Charles F. Weigle wrote a beautiful heart touching inspiring hymn about our precious Saviour "No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus."

"I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus, Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true. I would tell you how He changed my life completely; He did something no other friend could do.

No one ever cared for me like Jesus; There's no other friend so kind as He. No one else could take the sin and darkness from me; O how much He cared for me."

Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge that you are loved unconditionally by the Saviour of the world? He loved you yesterday. He loves you today and He will love you forever.

What a Saviour! What a Friend, this Jesus of Nazareth! "All hail, King Jesus! "Worthy is the Lamb of God". I love You, Jesus, and I appreciate all You have done for me and all You do for me every day.

Joanne Lowe
March 15, 2021

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