"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
Matthew 24:42
King James Version
Are you ready to go to Heaven with Jesus when He comes back for us? If you are not ready, get ready as there won't be time when He comes back for us.
Peter Philip Bilhorn wrote the hymn "THE KING MAY COME TODAY". If you are a choir director or sing in a choir or play the organ or piano, you will be interested to know that Mr. Bilhorn directed a 4,000 voice choir. I love the words in this hymn.
"He is coming! He is coming! Shout aloud this glad refrain; Send the cry to every city, To the valleys, hills and plain; He is coming! He is coming!"
Heavenly Father, I pray for every man, every woman, every boy and every girl who has not accepted Jesus as their Saviour. May today be the day they say yes to Jesus before it is too late. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Joanne Lowe
September 7, 2022
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