Tuesday, August 30, 2016


“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
Psalms 147:3 KJV

Doctors can do open heart surgery but only Jesus can heal our broken heart when someone hurts us.  How does our precious Saviour heal our broken heart?  He heals it with His tender compassionate words and kisses.  Jesus knows how it feels to have a broken heart because His heart was broken on Calvary.

Marvin P. Dalton wrote what I consider to be the greatest hymn I have ever heard “O What A Savior”.  Just as the Star Spangled Banner is our National anthem, I believe O What A Savior should be the Christian’s anthem.  Mr. Dalton described the love that our Saviour has for us in this beautiful hymn.

Let the words in this hymn go into your heart.  “O what a Savior, O hallelujah!  His heart was broken on Calvary, His hands were nail scarred, His side was riven, He gave His life-blood for even me.”  Jesus died on the cross and shed His own blood for you and for me because He loves us unconditionally

What kind of love is this?  This is an amazing unconditional love that can only come from the heart of our precious Saviour.  There have been many times that Jesus has picked me up, carried me through dark valleys and dried my tears with tender kisses.  What a precious Saviour we are privileged to know!

People can tell us they’re sorry when they hurt us and we can forgive them but the hurt is still there just as it is when we hurt someone.  When we say sarcastic and criticizing words we might as well take a knife and plunge it deep into their heart because it hurts just as much and only Jesus can heal us.

Joanne Lowe
August 30, 2016

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