“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.”
11:28 KJV
you weary and tired? Do you feel like
giving up? If you will listen with your
heart, you will hear Jesus saying to you, “I love you and I care about
you. I long to give you rest if you will
only come to Me”. If you’re tired and
heartbroken, allow Jesus to comfort you and give you rest.
as Jesus has His arms open to give us rest, we should also encourage and
comfort one another and help one another.
We need each other. Even Jesus
needed companionship. If He needed
friends, how much more you and I need one another. May God help us to be encouragers to one
has His arms open for us and He also has His heart open for us. What about us? Have we opened our heart not only to receive
Him as our personal Saviour, but also to make Him Lord of our life and heart? It is very important that we tell Jesus how
much we love Him and appreciate Him. He
has feelings too.
think we sometimes put Him on a shelf like a puppet and only take Him down when
we need something or want something. May
God forgive us. If ever someone deserves
to be loved, respected, honored and adored, it is Jesus. He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. O how I love Jesus.
Joanne Lowe
August 11, 2016
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