“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I
have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
13:34 KJV
don’t like to read the news any more.
The news is filled with violence, hatred, rapes, murders and all other
things that hurt Jesus and break His heart.
I read today about parents who left their dead baby in a swing for a
week. I have tears rolling down my
cheeks as I type this.
this broke my heart, how much more did it hurt Jesus and break His heart. The goal of every Christian who claims to
love Jesus should be to love one another unconditionally as He has commanded us
to love one another. Loving one another
unconditionally is not an option, it is a commandment.
I have to be honest and say there are times
when God has to take me out to His woodshed of correction because I don’t
always love unconditionally as Jesus loves.
Before you judge and condemn me, search your own heart. Can you honestly say you always love others unconditionally?
Father, please forgive me for the times when I don’t love unconditionally as
Jesus has commanded us to love. I pray
You will search my heart and if there is anything that hurts You, please let me
know so I can repent. Please comfort and
encourage all who are hurting. In Jesus’
Name, I pray. Amen.
Joanne Lowe
October 27, 2017
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