"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
Matthew 24:42
King James Version
Jesus can come back for us even as I write this devotion. We need to be ready for His coming. He bled and died on the cross and endured an agony and pain that you and I will never know.
Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge that Jesus loves you so much He walked that long lonely road to Calvary and allowed them to spit on Him, beat Him and nail Him to the cross?
If you ever think nobody loves you, remember Jesus left His Father, His home and all that He had to come to earth and die on the cross for our sins.
I have said this many times and I will keep saying it until God calls me home to Heaven. No one loves you like Jesus loves you and nobody ever will. His love for us is unconditional and umending. O how I love Jesus!
Precious Jesus, every time I think about You comeing to me when I was laying under the bed in a mental hospital because I didn't think I had a right to live, I get tears in my eyes and I feel so loved, wanted and protected.
One of the most beautiful hymns I have erer heard was written by Squire Parsons. I dedicate this inspiring hymn to my precious Saviour "He Came to Me".
"The gulf that separated me from Christ, my Lord, It was so vast the crossing I could never ford; From where I was to His domain, it seemed so far, I cried, "Dear Lord, I cannot come to where you are."
He came to me, O, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary, When I could not come to where He was, He came to me.
He came to me when I was bound in chains of sin, He came to me when I possessed no hope within, He picked me up and He drew me gently to His side, Where, today, in His sweet love I now abide.
He came to me, O, He came to me.
When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary,
When I could not come to where He was, He came to me.
Yes, He came to me, O, He came to me.
When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary,
When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me."
If you have never admitted you are a sinner, asked God to forgive you and invited Jesus in your heart to be yuur Saviour, please do it even as you read this devotion. Don't miss out on spending eternity with the One Who loves you so much He died for you.
I love You so much, precious Jesus and I look forward with happiness to know that one day I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face. Thank You for all You have done for me and for all You do for me every day.
Joanne Lowe
May 19, 2023
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