"And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:"
Ruth 1:16
King James Version
Thomas E. Hall wrote the hymn "WHERE THOU GOEST, I WILL GO". Are we willing to go with Jesus no matter where He leads us?
"Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Dear Savior, lead the way; Just where, or how, I do not know, But Thou’ll not lead astray.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Near Thee I’ll keep each day; Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Thro’ all life’s weary way.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Tho’ up the mountain steep; A faithful guide Thou art, I know, So close to Thee I’ll keep.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Though in some lonely dell; Thou wilt be there, how sweet to know, And cheerless hours dispel.
Where’er Thou goest, I will go, Through all my life’s rough way; And at its end, I’ll pass, I know, Into an endless day."
One happy day our precious Saviour is coming back for us. Are you ready to go if He should come today? If there has never been a time in your life when you admitted you are a sinner, asked God to forgive you for your sins and invited Jesus to come in your heart and be your Saviour, I urge you to do it even as you read this devotion.
Don't miss out on spending eternity with Jesus. He loves you so much He died for you on the cross and He is waiting for you to come to Him with His arms open wide and a heart filled with unconditional love for you.
I love You so much, dear Jesus. Thank You for dying for my sins on the cross. One day, I will have the privilege of seeing You face to face. What a day of rejoicing and happiness that is going to be.
Joanne Lowe
July 10, 2023
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