“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in
me. In my Father’s house are many
mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I
will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be
14:1-3 KJV
is preparing a place for us. It is our
home of peace. There will be no violence
in Heaven. We won’t have to run and hide
because someone is shouting and cursing and threatening. There are some children who have to run and
hide in their house because they are so afraid that they are going to be hit
ago, home missionaries and foreign missionaries came to my church for a missions
conference and showed slides of their work.
What broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes was the fact that not
only did the children in foreign countries look like they were starving, so did
the children here in America .
only are children starving for food in foreign countries and here in America , they
are also starving for love and affection.
Every person has a responsibility to be kind and loving to every
child. Jesus loves children and He is
very protective of them. It breaks His
heart when we aren’t kind and loving to children.
God that one day Jesus will come back for us and we will be in our home of
peace forever. There will be no shouting,
cursing or hitting there. May God help
us to be kind and loving to our children and to every child we see. When we hurt children, we are also hurting
Joanne Lowe
April 20, 2015
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