Friday, June 29, 2018


“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”
John 20:21 KJV

Mary Brown wrote the hymn “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”.  We sing the words but I wonder if we really mean what we are singing?  I think there are times when we sing the words to hymns without even thinking about what we are singing because we have sung them so many times.

Do we really mean the words?  “There’s surely somewhere a lowly place in earth’s harvest fields so wide, Where I may labor through life’s short day for Jesus, the Crucified. So, trusting my all unto Your care, I know You always love me! I’ll do Your will with a heart sincere, I’ll be what You want me to be.”

Margaret Clarkson wrote another one of my favorite hymns “So Send I You”.  “So send I you to leave your life’s ambition, To die to dear desire, self-will resign, To labor long, and love where men revile you- So send I you to lose your life in Mine.”  Are we willing to lose our life in Jesus, to let Him shine through us?

May God help us to be soul winners for Jesus.  If you have never invited Jesus into your heart to be your personal Saviour, I urge you to do it now.  One day it will be too late to say yes to Jesus.  Your family and friends love you but they can’t do it for you.  Salvation is personal between Jesus and you.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving me and thank You for Jesus.  I pray for every person in the world who has never said yes to Jesus.  May today be the day they humble themselves, admit they are sinners and invite Jesus into their heart before it is too late.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
March 29.2018

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