Tuesday, June 18, 2019


“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

Isaiah 53:5
King James Version

Dottie Rambo wrote a beautiful hymn that always brings tears to my eyes “f That Isn't Love”.  “He left the Splendor of Heaven Knowing His destiny Was the lonely hill of Golgotha there to lay down His life for me.  even in death He remembered the thief hanging by His side He spoke with love and compassion then He took him to Paradise.”

What kind of love is this that would cause Jesus to willingly leave His Father, His home and all that He had to come to earth and allow them to crucify Him on a cross of horror and agony?  It is an unconditional giving love that can only come from the heart of our precious Saviour.  Think about it.  He knew He was going to be beaten beyond recognition, spat on, cursed, mocked and left alone to die yet He still came.

Yes, it was because of us that Jesus was crucified on the cross and endured pain and agony that you and I will never know.  The next time you think nobody cares about you and loves you; remember the cross and the pain and agony that Jesus suffered because He loves you so much.  Nobody loves you like Jesus loves you and nobody ever will.

Would you willingly send your son off to war knowing in advance that He was going to be killed?  Of course you wouldn’t but God did.  He knew His beloved Son was going to be humiliated, cursed, spat on, beaten beyond recognition, and left alone to die on a cross of horror and agony yet He gave His Son to die for our sins so that we may be saved and live in Heaven for all eternity.

Heavenly Father, You are so wonderful and so precious to my heart.  I love You so much.  Thank You for being a loving compassionate Father.  There are many people who are hurting, who feel all alone and who feel that nobody cares about them.  Please comfort them as You have done for me so many times.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
June 18, 2019

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