“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I
have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one
to another.”
13:34,35 KJV
have been a lot of shootings lately and it is heartbreaking and it also hurts
Jesus. Why do people shoot one
another? I believe it is because they
don’t believe that they are loved. When
a baby is born, the baby smiles and laughs and makes people smile. What happens when the baby gets older?
the baby grows up in a house that is filled with anger, hatred, sarcasm,
cursing and beatings, the baby is not going to feel the love of Jesus. A pastor said “A child has to be taught to
hate. Children don’t grow up
automatically hating people”. What are
we teaching our children by our words and our actions?
is not enough to just tell people that Jesus loves them. We must prove it to them by the way we treat
them. Jesus has commanded us to love one
another as He loves us. Are we doing
it? Do they know we are Christians by
our actions and our words?’’
Peter Raymond Scholtes wrote the beautiful hymn “They’ll Know We Are Christians
by Our Love”. Do people know we are
Christians by our love? We can tell
people when we see them that we love them and Jesus loves them but that is not
enough. Jesus didn’t just tell us He
loves us, He also died for our sins.
God help us to show the love of Jesus by our actions. Every person in the world needs to know Jesus
loves them and we must prove it to them by our words and by our actions.
Joanne Lowe
September 30, 2016