Thursday, December 24, 2015


“And the blood shall be for you a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.”
Exodus 12:13 KJV

Red has always been my favorite color because it reminds me of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for my sins so I could be saved.  I have always loved red roses.  They are beautiful and smell wonderful just as our precious Saviour is beautiful and smells wonderful.  Red is also God’s favorite color.

Why is red God’s favorite color?  It is because when He sees the cleansing blood of His Son in our heart, He knows we have accepted His beloved Son as our personal Saviour.  Has there ever been a time in your life when you allowed Jesus to cleanse your heart with His redeeming blood?  If not, do it today!

When God looks in our heart, does He see the color red or does He see the color black?  If God sees red in our heart then He knows that we are saved and if He sees black in our heart then He knows we have not accepted His Son as our Saviour and we are still serving satan instead of serving His Son.

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much that You gave Your beloved Son to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins that we could never pay.  Jesus, thank You for loving us so much that You died for our sins.  I love You so much and I long to see You face to face.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
December 24, 2015

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