Wednesday, February 25, 2015


“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1 KJV

God doesn’t need anything or anybody so why did God create the heaven and earth?  It is because He desires fellowship.  God wants us to fellowship with Him.  I heard a sermon on the radio yesterday that really touched my heart.  The pastor said “God wants us”.  It is true God doesn’t need us but God wants us.

Have you ever heard someone say “I wish you had never been born”?  Has someone ever said it to you?  There are parents that do say that to their children.  They might as well take a knife and plunge it as deep as they can into their children’s heart.  I have good news for you.  God loves you and He wants you.

God, the Father of our precious and beautiful Saviour, not only loves us, He also wants us.  He wants us to share our heart with Him, our joys and our sorrows.  God, the Maker of Heaven and earth wants you!  God wants you, pastors.  God wants you, parents, God wants every one of us.  You are precious to God.

When I was in high school someone said to me “You are stupid, ugly and fat.  You will never amount to anything.  You don’t have a right to live.  You should commit suicide because you’re just taking up space in this world.”  Not only did those words hurt me and cripple me emotionally, they also hurt Jesus.

If we will allow it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge that when we say or do something mean and cruel to someone we are also doing it to Jesus, I don’t think we would say so many words that hurt people or do things on purpose to hurt one another.  May God help us to love others as He loves us.

Joanne Lowe
February 25, 2015

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