Saturday, January 9, 2016


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16 KJV

Some of you know that I went through a crippling devastating depression for over forty years.  I had been beaten, raped, and told I was no good and would never amount to anything.  I was even told that I didn’t have a right to live.  After hearing that for so many years, I believed it.

I hated everybody and I didn’t trust anyone.  Then one day as I was lying under a bed in a mental hospital Jesus came to me.  He lifted me up from under that bed, put His arms of love around me and said the three most beautiful words I had ever heard.  Jesus said, “I love you, Joanne.”

No one had ever told me I was loved and I wept like a baby to think that not only was I loved, I am loved by the Saviour of the world Who loves me so much He died for my sins.  Only love, unconditional love, could have taken away the terror and heartaches from me and given me a reason to live.

If you ever doubt you are loved, remember the cross and the excruciating pain that Jesus endured for you when He was crucified.  He was beaten beyond recognition, spat on, cursed, mocked and humiliated because He loves you so much.  Our friends and family love us but nobody loves us like Jesus.

The Bible tells us to let the redeemed of the Lord say so.  My sins have been forgiven and the precious cleansing blood of Jesus has been applied to my heart.  Thank You, dear Jesus for loving me and dying for me.  I love You so much, dear Jesus.  

Joanne Lowe
January 9, 2016

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