Monday, June 3, 2019

Put the Knife Down

"And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.”

Mark 5: 5
King James Version

I had a neighbor who told me that she would cut herself with a knife because she was fat and nobody cared if she lived or died.  I know two other people who have done the same thing. There are many people who cut themselves emotionally by putting themselves down all the time.

For many years I did the same thing.  I thought that I was no good and didn’t have a right to live.  I never cut myself physically, but I sure cut myself emotionally.  I believed the people who told me that I was fat and no good, that I didn’t have a right to live and that Jesus couldn’t love me.

It’s bad enough when people tell you that nobody will ever love you because you are fat and ugly but when they tell you that Jesus will never love you, they might as well put the gun to your head and pull the trigger.  If you are putting yourself down because you think you are fat and ugly, stop it!

Jesus loves you just as you are.  We are to take care of our bodies, but He is more concerned with what is in our heart.  We can be the perfect size, wear the best clothes, drive the best cars, have the best homes, but if our heart is ugly, then we are ugly.  Stop putting yourself down and cutting yourself physically and emotionally. 

Precious Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and accepting me even though I am fat.  I pray for all who are going through dark valleys and are discouraged and feel like giving up.  Please comfort them as only You can and reassure them of Your unconditional love for them.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray.  Amen.

Joanne Lowe
June 3, 2019

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