Friday, July 21, 2023


"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy."
Psalms 103:8
King James Version
If we would follow the example of our loving Saviour, we not only would have a happier life, we would also make our Saviour happy.  Making Jesus happy should be the goal of every person.  After all that Jesus has done for us He deserves to be happy and praised.
Are you following His example and loving others unconditionally as He has commanded us to love others?  Just think where we would be if Jesus hadn't loved us when we were not Christians.
I'm so glad Jesus loved me enough to die on the cross for my sins.  I was not a very nice person.  Have you allowed it to go from head knowledge to heart knowledge how much Jesus loves you? 
Squire Parsons wrote the beautiful heart touching and inspiring hymn "He Came to Me" which tells us how much Jesus loves us and cares about us.
"The gulf that separated me from Christ, my Lord, It was so vast the crossing I could never ford; From where I was to His domain, it seemed so far, I cried, "Dear Lord, I cannot come to where you are."
He came to me, O, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary, When I could not come to where He was, He came to me.
He came to me when I was bound in chains of sin, He came to me when I possessed no hope within, He picked me up and He drew me gently to His side, Where, today, in His sweet love I now abide.
He came to me, O, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary, When I could not come to where He was, He came to me.
Yes, He came to me, O, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. That's why He died on Calvary, When I could not come to where He was, He came to me. When I could not come to where He was, He came to me."
Yes, Jesus came to us.  Have you gone to Him and told Him how much you love Him and appreciate all He has done for you?  If not, you are hurting Him and breaking His heart.  I love You, dear Jesus, and I appreciate all You have done for me.
Joanne Lowe
July 21, 2023

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