Friday, May 12, 2023


"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Isaih 6:8
King James Version 

Rev. Alfred Henry Ackley wrote one of my favorite hymns "IN THE SERVICE OF THE KING". I have worked for several employers and I can tell you that working for Jesus brings a happiness that is impossible to put into words.

"I am happy in the service of the King. I am happy, O so happy! I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring, In the service of the King.

In the service of the King Every talent I will bring. I have peace and joy and blessing In the service of the King."

Several years ago when I lived in Texas, I had the privilege of being captain of one of the church buses. We went every Wednesday night on visitation for the church.

I always visited the children that rode on my bus. I will never forget the time that I visited this seven year old girl and her family and invited them to come to church on Sunday.
They told me they would come and then the little girl said and did something that I will never forget.

She said to her parents "Please go with me Sunday to church. I gave my heart to Jesus in Sunday school last week and I want you to go to Heaven with me".

I sat there with tears running down my face as this precious little girl not only invited them to church, she also asked them if they wanted Jesus in their heart.

The parents looked at one another then put their arms around their little girl and said "Yes, will you tell us what we need to do"? Their little girl with tears running down her cheecks said "Just tell Jesus thank You for dying for me and I'm sorry I hurt You. Please come into my heart".

I watched and listened as this precious Mom and Dad were saved and one day will go to Heaven to be with Jesus.

Even now as I am typing this devotion, I have so many tears in my eyes I can barely see to type this devotion. O how Jesus loves children.

I had the privilege of leading one of my nephews to ask Jesus to come into his heart and save him wheh he was younger.
I will never forget that day.

What a priilege it is and what happiness it brings to be able to serve Jesus. When I surrendered to the mission field after the pastor had said a beautiful prayer for me, he told me "Don't wait until God tells you what He wants you to do. Start telling everyone you see that Jesus loves them".

This happiness I have had these last twenty seven years that I have had the privilege of serving Jesus have been the happiness and joyous time of my life.

I dearly love my family and my Pastor and God has given me a vey special best friend but none of them gives me the happiness, peace and joy that my precious Saviour gives me.

Heavely Father, I love You so much. Thank You for loving me when I was so unlovely. Jesus, thank You for coming to me when I couldn't go to You.

Squire Parsons wrote one of the most beautiful hymns ever written about our Saviour "HE CAME TO ME". I'm so glad He loved me enough to come to me.

"The gulf that separated me from Christ, my Lord It was so vast, the crossing I could never ford From where I was to His domain, it seemed so far I cried "Dear Lord, I cannot come to where You are"

He came to me, He came to me When I could not come to where He was, He came to me That's why He died on Calvary When I could not come to where He was, He came to me

He came to me when I was bound in chains of my sin He came to me when I could find no hope within He reached down and drew me gently to His side Where today in His sweet love I now abide."

Heavenly Fahter, I pray for every man, every woman, every boy and every girl who has not given their heart and life to Jesus. May today be the day they open their heart to Jesus and let Him in. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Joanne Lowe
May 13, 2023

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